Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lindsay got a job!

Last week Gareth was plucked from the masses of unemployed, and today it was my turn! I'll be an adjudicator/reviewer with Dispute Resolution Services, hearing appeals from injured claimants who are not happy with their ACC settlements. The ACC is a creature of New Zealand law that we are just beginning to learn about. Essentially, if you are injured in any accident, whether at work or while driving or wherever, your recovery comes out of the ACC fund. There are no personal injury lawsuits, except for exemplary (punitive) damages. We don't really know enough about the system yet to know how well it works or what its advantages/disadvantages are, but I expect to be learning quite a lot about it very shortly!

I'm crazy happy about landing this job, because it will use my law degree and lawyering experience, but does not require me to jump through the hoops to gain admission to NZ's bar. I had looked into doing that, and it would have required a year of school with people ten years younger than I am, plus a bar exam. With this job, I get to be a lawyer without actually being licensed. And 'adjudicator' just sounds cool.

It's starting to look like we have actually landed on our feet. We almost have to just sit back and look at it all in wonder. Before quitting our jobs in order to move here, we were well aware that we were risking many things, including our financial security. Who moves to the other side of the world during a global recession?? Just crazy people. We left a fairly comfortable lifestyle with good friends, home ownership, and employers who seemed to like us. It sometimes seemed crazy to give that up - what are the chances of finding all that a second time? But it seems we're on our way to doing just that. We've already met some really great people, we'll be making more than enough money to save for a home, and we're optimistic about these new jobs. (Gareth is already loving his.) It is so good when things work out.

See mom, nothing to worry about!

1 comment:

  1. Since I've now figured out the comment bit - YAY on the job! When do you start?
