Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Flight to Welly

I had to go to Wellington for work today. It's just a quick 45 minute flight to New Zealand's capital at the bottom of the north island. It is so easy and enjoyable to fly in New Zealand. I arrived at the airport about 45 minutes before my flight was due to depart. I walked up to a kiosk and typed in my name. I confirmed my seat and a ticket popped out. I didn't have to wait in line or show any identification to anyone.

I got in line at security. The line was only about 15 people long. I was wearing boots and a long coat, and no one asked me to take them off. I walked through the metal detector and then went to the gate. No one checked my ticket, checked my ID, or made me put my lipstick in a plastic baggie.

At the gate, the attendant called the back half of the plane to board. No identification needed here either. I walked outside, climbed the stairs, and got on the plane.

Piece of cake.

And the views from the sky are just lovely. Here are the plains north of Christchurch:

The snow-capped Southern Alps ...

I didn't take any pictures arriving in Wellington, but I took a few as we left...

We live in a gorgeous place :)

1 comment:

  1. When we flew domestic from Auckland to CHCH in April, I had the bottle of duty free Bunderberg that I forgot to put in my checked luggage. The attendant says "nah, we prefer you carry it on the plane so that it doesn't break and spill in the baggage area".

    Such a different mindset to here in the States. Not much of a worry of terrorists in peaceful NZ.
