Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Good sorts

There is a feature on the evening news here called "good sorts." Viewers can nominate someone who has done a good deed or shown worthy character and that person will be that week's good sort.

I ran into a good sort today that just made me so happy to be here.

Our Honda had a burnt out headlight. We've had the car for less than 3 months so it's still under warranty. We figured that a burnt out headlight would fall under the "general maintenance" "uncovered" umbrella, but thought we'd go back to the dealership and ask just in case. We were very happy to learn that indeed it is covered. (This is especially good because apparently to change a headlight on a Honda Fit, you have to take a wheel off. Who needs that?) But the car salesman and his generous warranty plan is not the good sort I'm here to tell you about.

So I made an appointment to have the light fixed at a mechanic who is contracted with the dealership. The plan was to drive the car to the mechanic, walk 20 minutes to work, and then walk back to the shop at the end of the day to retrieve the car.

When the mechanic learned that I was going to be walking to work he insisted on giving me a ride. He called over a kid in the garage and asked him to drive me to work. The kid seemed more than happy to help. I thought this was very nice. I mentioned to the kid (didn't get his name) that I'd be walking back later to get the car.

This afternoon it started to rain like mad. Blowing wind, sideways rain, all of it. The mechanic's receptionist called me at work and said the weather was pretty bad, would I like for them to send someone to come pick me up? Why yes, yes I would.

The same kid came back to get me. He said he had seen the awful weather, remembered that I would have to walk to the garage, and told the office that they should call me and see if I wanted a ride. So nice! What a great experience.

Obviously, there are nice people everywhere and this is not an "Only in New Zealand" story by any means. But it sure is nice when things like this happen in our new country, you know?

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