Friday, October 16, 2009

NZ made us fertile

It's been a little quiet on the plantation as Lindsay has been busy feeling sick and Gareth has been busy cooking for Lindsay and making ginger tea for Lindsay and making sure that every one of Lindsay's needs is taken care of.

We're having a baby!!

Not right now, but in 7 months or so. We're due on the 18th May.

We're still finding it hard to believe that this has actually happened. We had been trying to get pregnant since 2006. For almost 3 years we were trying until we had just reached a point where we thought, you know, life without kids really isn't half bad. We've got all this disposable income and disposable time. We've got freedom.

And then of course, just as we'd come to appreciate all the advantages of a 'child free' lifestyle, the pregnancy test came back positive. That's mother nature for you.

We think New Zealand is going to be an excellent place to have a kid. There are more parks per capita here than any place we've ever been. And when we go by the parks, they always seem to be full of mums and dads and kids. Families are everywhere doing family stuff. And it's not just because we're pregnant now that we're noticing this - we've been paying attention to these things for the last 3 years and have noticed big differences between here and where we used to live.

The other great thing is that kids run around barefoot here. You see barefoot kids everywhere - outside, at restaurants, in the airport. They're kids! They don't need to be confined by shoes! Let the kids be kids. We love it.

We're going to have a little kiwi.

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