Friday, December 17, 2010

Tomato forest

Remember our little seedlings?

Well, they've grown a bit... into a freaking tomato forest.
These tomato plants are nearly 5 feet tall. They would probably take over the yard if we left them unattended over a long weekend. When Gareth approaches to water them in the morning, he hears a faint cry of "FEED US!!"

We haven't actually harvested anything yet, but we are rubbing our hands together with great anticipation. Roll on the tomato soup, the tomato sauce, the salsa ...

The tomatillo plants have completely gone gangbusters. We're going to have enough tomatillos to start our own salsa verde business on the side.
It's no wonder they call this place the Garden City.


  1. Very exciting! My tomatoes are only cherry ones, so not nearly as ready for world domination - but I've still got a few tomatoes on the way - I'm really looking forward to eating them!

  2. I'm so jealous!! I was too much of a wus to try tomatoes on my very first garden attempt. You've heard what I do to green things...
    I think I will come buy some tomatillos off of you!!!

  3. When we head south I will bring you as many tomatillos as we can fit in the car!
