Monday, December 6, 2010


Saturday was a great day. The weather was fantastic - we went for a walk on the beach and had fish 'n' chips outside for lunch. I got a little sunburnt.

Then we came home and ... put up the christmas tree.

The birds start singing at 4 a.m. these days (you know these things when a certain baby has you up at all hours) and it doesn't get dark outside until almost 10. The days are looooong.

So we've put up this beautiful fake christmas tree, but barely have enough darkness to enjoy its twinkling lights. Although, in this case, that's probably a good thing because our cheap-ass Warehouse christmas lights barely twinkle at all and half of one of the strings doesn't even light up. That's what you get for shopping at the Warehouse (New Zealand's Wal-Mart, without the poor employment practices).

Also on Saturday I did yard work - sitting on the grass in the sun, pulling weeds and dead-heading the rose bushes. OMG we have so many roses. One of our rose bushes has almost certainly reached critical mass. Peach roses, white roses, light pink roses, hot pink roses. So many roses. And heaps of other flowers (or weeds? who can tell) all blooming and glorious. I filled our entire green organics bin trying to tidy it all up. And then for dinner, we barbequed. Salmon and shrimp: om nom nom.

Then on Sunday we went to our friends' house for more bbq'ing. Burgers, sausages, my awesome potato salad (well, Gareth thinks it's awesome).

We used a lot of sun cream this weekend. And we did some christmas shopping and wrapping.

And there is our christmas tree- reminding us that it's christmas time, but it's summer, but it's christmas time...

This photo was taken at 8:30 at night...

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love the bright, 20+hour days?! LOL!
    It is VERY hard to go to sleep at a "normal" hour of 9pm!!! We have stayed up to 2 and 3am "by mistake" cause it was still bright outside at 10 and we thought it was six, and next thing you know, its 2am!!!! It is awesome, I have to admit!!!
    Merry Christmas little Quinn!!!!
